Children's Ministry
CrossRiver Tabernacle children’s ministry, CrossRiver Kids, is a growing, vibrant part of our church! Sister Jackie Hoffman is our children’s ministry leader. Along with other volunteer leaders, she provides a teaching lesson each Sunday for children in grades K-5 while the message is being given in the main sanctuary. We believe the message of the cross is for all ages and that is just what our students are presented with every Sunday morning. They receive a teaching lesson from the Word of God and are encouraged to seek after God throughout their week.

Every summer, CrossRiver Kids Ministry hosts a Vacation Bible School for elementary aged children. It is open to all members of the community and each year we have a great time! The students participate in worship, games and crafts, and each session they hear a Gospel presentation where they are invited to go deeper in their walk with Christ or meet Him for the very first time. The CrossRiver Kids VBS is completely free to attend and we would love to have your child join us!